When files block the main thread, users are unable to interact with the page content. Typically, parsing and executing large JavaScript files, as well as running long JavaScript tasks can block the main thread and should be avoided. These files had high thread blocking times:
建議你縮短剖析、編譯及執行 JavaScript 所耗費的時間。提供較小的 JavaScript 酬載可能會有幫助。
網頁的資源過多,因此妨礙了首次顯示畫面的時間。建議你先載入重要的內嵌 JavaScript/CSS,並延後載入不重要的 JavaScript/樣式。
減少無用的 JavaScript 並延遲載入指令碼 (等需要時才載入),即可減少網路活動消耗的流量。